How To Re-Align Your Business to Your Energy Needs

Season #1 Episode #2

What do you do if you have a shift with your life or health needs and how you have set up your business no longer fits your needs and starts to feel “out of alignment”? This can happen for any number of reasons in business. You can have health challenges or a life change like getting married or having a child that pulls your energy in a new direction. Or you can hit a growth point in your business where your current business model no longer allows for the kind of growth you want to create and just doesn’t feel like it is working anymore, and you are not sure what needs to shift to create a new movement. I call this a purpose plateau and find that it often signals an opportunity to transition into new structures that allow for new growth.

I went through one of these transitions in my life in business between 2015 and 2020 and found that three areas of focus helped me make the small shifts to re-align my energy and business model to stay in business and serve my health and energy needs. The three points of focus were: refining my relationship with my business, applying the ESAO method, and tweaking my offers for ease of energy and delivery.

This is for you if you are in a place where you have hit a transition in your life, a health or energy crisis, or just want to start to shift your business model to fit your evolving energy needs!


Introduction :55

Hitting Burnout 4:09

Shift Your Relationship To Your Business 6:23

Eliminate, Systematize, Automate and Outsource 8:58

Re-Align Your Offers for Sustainable Delivery 15:29

Conclusion 17:46

=====>>>Show Notes


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Hi, I’m Dawn, Holistic Coach, and Business Mentor for Thought Leaders

I support health and wellness experts, coaches, healers, and thought leaders to ignite their next level of purpose and impact in their life and business.

I help you translate your transformational work into a unique signature message and method that creates your movement. And I help you design the business model to bring it forward in a way that supports your energy AND grows your business.

More about Dawn