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Tips To Get Started With Embodiment Strategies In Your Coaching Practice

blogs coaching embodiment Dec 01, 2022

Tapping into the body's wisdom is a powerful tool for creating clarity, aligned action, and results that “feel good.” With a variety of embodiment tools and modalities to choose from, there are endless ways you can integrate body awareness into your coaching practice to evolve your expertise and support your clients.

So, how can you get started with embodiment strategies for yourself? And how do you know which embodiment strategies fit you and your coaching practice well?

What is Embodiment?

To start, let’s look at the broad meaning of the term “Embodiment.” Embodiment means to make something tangible or visible in a physical form. “Embodiment” also refers to how we express and experience ourselves through our bodies.

I think of Embodiment as a mindset and a process. It is a mindset of valuing the experience and information from our body as a source of knowledge and expression. Embodiment is also a process of learning to listen to your body as a tool for understanding your truth and making decisions.

There are a wide variety of embodiment tools and modalities, but what unifies all of them is that they use the sensory information of the body as a primary source of information to bring clarity to a situation or determine the right course of action. Embodiment tools help us to tune into our bodies to become aware of the subtle layers of information in our experience- what we kinesthetically sense, feel, see, hear, smell, and intuit (to name a few!).

Embodiment improves your coaching skills and your client results

Utilizing embodiment tools in your coaching practice can help you deepen your skillset and elevate your client’s results in several ways.

  1. As a coach, tapping into the experience of your body can deepen your approach to coaching by awakening your intuition and grounding your listening process.
  2. Using Embodiment tools with your clients can help them tap into insights more quickly because they are tuning into the whole palette of information available to them. Embodiment tools can also help your clients to feel better, experience different perspectives, and identify what feels right for them on a kinesthetic basis so they can make aligned decisions.

So, how do you get started integrating embodiment practices into your coaching business in a simple and easy way?

Getting started is as simple...

I have a simple three-step process I take my clients through to help them integrate embodiment strategies into their coaching practice.

  1. Explore embodiment strategies in your practice – Explore different ways to connect to your body, engage your senses, and deepen your intuition. Practice listening to your clients with an awareness of these details and see how it shifts the insights you bring to your coaching.
  2. Use embodiment strategies to solve problems differently – Get clear on the primary issues that you help your clients solve and determine how grounding into their senses, listening to their intuition, or tuning into their body could support your coaching process.
  3. Use embodiment strategies to clarify results – How can body awareness help your clients to anchor into the experience of the results they would like to achieve so they can more easily manifest their goal? How can you bring awareness to what they sense, feel, and experience to guide their goals and also deepen their experience of their wins?

If you want to go further, you can start to explore the wealth of embodiment modalities and techniques available in this growing field. Learning a specific Embodiment modality can give you the tools to dive deeper into a systematic process and use the body to create new results with your clients.


Cheering you on,






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