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Creating An “Embodied" Approach To Business

blogs business strategy embodiment self-care Apr 11, 2022

How do you feel in your body when you think about working on your business?

Do you feel expansive energy? Or contraction and resistance? How do you know if you are on track with your purpose? Do your clients energize or deplete you? And how do your business and life feed each other? Do they energize each other, or do you struggle to find the balance?

These are all embodied questions that can help you create a strategy in your business that honors your body, energy, and well-being at the center. Our coaching businesses are built on the foundation of our energy, creativity, vision, and ability to create an energy exchange and support a valuable transformation with our clients.

“Transformation” is an experience of change, movement, and growth. If our coaching businesses are going to truly be transformational, we need to stay connected to the source of our transformation – our connection to our bodies as our source of energy, awareness, relationship, and transformation.

Connecting to your energy and movement experience can help you attune to your perception of transformation – your awareness of energy, balance, flow, movement, and intentions that propel transformation. Tuning into this awareness can help you transform your business approach and create more flow of time, money, energy, joy, and impact in your business.

It is easy to get lost in creating our coaching business strategy from our sense of what we think we “should” do or what others are doing. But if you take an embodied approach to your business strategy, you can stay connected to the source of your energy, and the energy of transformation that you bring to your clients in all aspects of your business.

An embodied approach to business is more than putting your health first or striving for work-life balance. It is a transformational approach to connecting to the source of your energy and creativity in your life and business and keeping that awareness as the core of your strategy.

How does an embodied approach to business play out in your life and business?

It can look different depending on your health and energy needs and business model. I work with many clients whose health needs to be foundational to their strategy. They often have chronic health conditions and work with chronic health conditions. These clients must attend to their health and wellness in a disciplined way, or the consequences will be enormous. Their health and fitness significantly impact how they feel and the energy they can bring to their work. Therefore, ensuring they create the self-care strategies they need daily is primary to their strategy.

What does this look like? Well, we work on designing their workflows, client engagement, and offers in a way that keeps their energy flowing without overextending. We find ways of leveraging their expertise to remain aligned with their purpose, and we focus on the creative practices that keep them growing, evolving, and creating the flow of change and transformation in their lives and businesses.

An Embodied Approach to business can also mean incorporating one or more of these key practices into your daily routine:

  • Create a daily practice of tuning into your body and listening on a deep level to evolve your self-awareness and alignment between intention and action
  • Have a morning and evening routine to stay present, align with what you want to create with your day, and reflect on what you have learned at the end of the day.
  • Check-in with your body and hone your intuition to help you know what is right for you moment-to-moment.
  • Make the experience of joy, energy, and flow a marker of success in your life and business!

So whether you are looking for more energy, renewed purpose, or strategies for growing your business, an embodied approach can help you RECLAIM a foundation that feeds your life and your business.

Cheering you on,

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